about us

You are welcome to learn what it means that we are "Living, Loving, and Learning through the Eyes of the Lord.”

Worship with us Sundays at 9 am.


frequently asked questions

  • We are a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).  We develop our life and ministry in accord with our mission statement:  "Living, Loving, and Learning Through the Eyes of the Lord."  We also have a scriptural verse as a foundation for our ministry from 1 Corinthans 4:1:  "This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God."

  • Go to our Facebook Page and you will find pictures, activities, and worship services.

  • You will be greeted in the sanctuary with drinks and treats.  We have a noisy worship with many children.  All are welcome and celebrated.

  • Pastor Dell is usually in the office on ed to meet with him you can leave a message on the church answering machine at 605 534 3224 or email at colmanlutheranelca@gmail.com

  • Of course! Click here for a complete history of Colman Lutheran.

PAstor & Staff

Dell Sanderson

Kari Wittrock
Office Manager

church council

Front Left to Right:
Lori Hansen, Amber Tolley, Sue Hodne, Pastor Dell

Back Left to Right:
Jackie Voelker, Tye Wangberg, Dick Haas, Patti Lee, Fran Nelsen, Jeri Nelson