about us
You are welcome to learn what it means that we are "Living, Loving, and Learning through the Eyes of the Lord.”
Worship with us Sundays at 9 am.
frequently asked questions
We are a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). We develop our life and ministry in accord with our mission statement: "Living, Loving, and Learning Through the Eyes of the Lord." We also have a scriptural verse as a foundation for our ministry from 1 Corinthans 4:1: "This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God."
Go to our Facebook Page and you will find pictures, activities, and worship services.
You will be greeted in the sanctuary with drinks and treats. We have a noisy worship with many children. All are welcome and celebrated.
Pastor Dell is usually in the office on ed to meet with him you can leave a message on the church answering machine at 605 534 3224 or email at colmanlutheranelca@gmail.com
Of course! Click here for a complete history of Colman Lutheran.
PAstor & Staff
Dell Sanderson
Kari Wittrock
Office Manager
church council
Front Left to Right:
Lori Hansen, Amber Tolley, Sue Hodne, Pastor Dell
Back Left to Right:
Jackie Voelker, Tye Wangberg, Dick Haas, Patti Lee, Fran Nelsen, Jeri Nelson
PDF Downloads
Council Brainstorming Ideas (8/28/2024)
Brainstorming Ideas for 9/1/2023 - 9/1/2024
2024-25 Council Retreat (8-25-2024)